Your American Flag
Displaying Your Flag
When the national flag is displayed flat, either horizontally or vertically, on a wall or in a window, the
union (blue field) should be at the top and to the observer's left when facing the flag.
When displayed from a staff projecting from a windowsill, balcony, or the front of a building, the union
(blue field) should be at the staff's peak (unless the flag is at half-staff).
The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, floor, or water.
It is universal custom to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset. However, when a patriotic effect is
desired, the flag may be displayed 24 hours a day if properly illuminated during the darkness hours.
Flag decals and stickers may be correctly displayed on the inside of motor vehicle side windows.
Flying Your Flag at Half-Mast
When flown at half-staff, the flag is hoisted to the peak for an instant, then lowered to the half-staff
position (half the distance from the top to the bottom of the staff). Before the flag is lowered for the
day, it is raised again to the top, then lowered.
If your flag is on an outrigger flagpole or mounted on a wall and cannot be flown at half-staff, drape a
purple and black mourning ribbon across the flag.
Copyright © 2002 Peoria Business Boosters. All rights reserved.
Original source Boy Scouts of America Boyce Council.